All-In-One Enabling Platform For Flexible Virtual & Hybrid Events

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Metaverse Extension
For Millennial & Gen Z Events
Planning events for these younger generations? Then here’s a tip you really need to know. Not physical only. More than just “virtual”. Add a metaverse extension to make your digital native audience feel right at home. Numerous research and studies have shown the importance of enticing, immersive experiences when attracting and enhancing engagement with these netizens, significant both for the spending power they command and for being a major force in today’s talent pool, Introducing UC.NOW’s Metaverse Extension, the latest application that enables the incorporation of a digital extension space in “Metaverse” to add WOW to an otherwise mundane physical event. From gaming-like real time peer interactions with personalized avatar, virtual reality virtual venue tours to 5G stereoscopic VR360 live streamed conferences and concerts. Unleash your creativity when marketing with UC.NOW’s Metaverse Extension.
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InfoHub™ For Webinars & Conferences: Purpose-Built Online Community Software Platform
Passé are sporadic webinars that come and go, becoming “out of sight, out of mind” after they end, and offers nothing towards follower stickiness. The latest is InfoHub, Digital Expo Platform’s Hong Kong private cloud “virtual hub” solution, and purpose-built for live webinars, centralized knowledge library, and connection hub to foster relationships and online engagement.
- Its much more than a video conferencing link. See InfoHub as your full-featured “virtual conference centre”, an online community software platform for virtual and hybrid events. It easily transforms to host multi-stream concurrent webinars and online conferences, to virtual-booth-embellished virtual info days and fairs of varying capacities.
- Ready workflows centralize and automate event management logistics, from event creation, invitation dispatch, enrolment management, content upload, event-start reminders to post-session document download and video reviews

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Placement Centre™ - It Makes Our Virtual Education Fair Platform Unique
This is the year for school admission events to break the physical-only mode and go hybrid. Moving part of the event online safeguards from forced onsite event cancellations. It also let organizers make better scheduling of consultants’ time. Here’s what Digital Expo offers a ready virtual education fair platform solution that uniquely features Placement Centre™, can offer:
- Online exhibition hall with 3D virtual booths lets you host more schools & institutions for a longer period of time without paying more for physical venue
- Comprehensive filters to shortlist countries, schools and majors of study makes browsing easier
- Meeting with school reps & consultants online? Not just “walk-in” but also scheduled selected from pre-defined timeslots
- Workflows guide students to set up profiles directly on the virtual education fair platform, and will only be accessible to school reps and consultants after they initiate video chats or scheduled meetings
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Tried & Proven: Job Centre™ For Virtual Career Fairs
Unique to Digital Expo and aimed at boosting event efficiency, Job Centre™ automated the online recruitment for both job seekers and employers at the many university virtual career fairs hosted on our private cloud Digital Expo Platform in Hong Kong since 2021.
- Job Seekers can create or upload their profile, then use available filters to quickly shortlist suitable vacancies, they can submit online job applications directly on our virtual event solution’s portal
- Employers will be notified of new applications to their job vacancies. Once logged in to our Digital Expo platform in HK, HR can begin to process these applications, including inviting candidates to attend an online interview directly on the virtual event platform

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MeetNow™: Hong Kong’s Real Time Video Engagement
Virtual booths on Digital Expo platform in Hong Kong come equipped with MeetNow™, a 1-to-1 private video meeting room that is 1-click-to-enter: meeting links are embedded on the virtual booth and not shared via email or SMS. The room can be configured to admit 1 guest at any time to keep discussions private. A “queue” can also be set up to automatically admit the next guest in waiting. This proprietary real time video communication and collaboration technology is developed in Hong Kong, and designed to seamlessly support live video-based interactions on the various Digital Expo platform solutions, including virtual career fair platform, virtual info day platform, virtual education fair platform, online community software platform, and more.
Application Scenarios

Use Cases
12th Pan-Pacific Conference On Rehabilitation - Hybrid International Scientific Conference Hosted On UC.NOW Digital Expo Platform in Hong Kong
A bi-annual event of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University’s Department Of Rehabilitation Sciences, this 2021 edition was hosted as a hybrid event, consisting of a virtual exhibition hall, a virtual poster presentation hall for abstract submissions, and a 2-day hybrid conference of 3 concurrent streams & 136 distinct presentations in total. Our private cloud Digital Expo platform in HK hosted these virtual elements, and understanding that successful hybrid events need much more that software, the organizers also took advantage of our comprehensive professional services, from project management, event-tech planning, equipment set up, connectivity testing, AV fine tuning, individual speaker rehearsals, to on-site live broadcast & technical services. Our total solution ensured a smooth, interactive experience for the 300+ registered attendees, regardless of whether they participated in-person in one of 3 on-campus lecture halls, or via paid-access-controlled remote login to the event portal.

Digital Expo’s New InfoHub™ Online Community & Webinar Portal Template Powered Communication Association Of Hong Kong’s Digital Transformation (DT) Forum
Hong Kong’s leading ICT professional society, Communication Association Of Hong Kong (CAHK) launched their DT Forum in August 2021, an online community software platform dedicated to webinars, knowledge sharing and expertise exchange. Built using our Digital Expo platform in HK, it features:
- Registration Centre to browse & enrol in upcoming webinars and virtual events via automated workflows
- Webinar+ rooms with real-time gamified audience engagement
- Knowledge Space centralizes past webinar recordings & other DT content for controlled access
- Business Connection Hub for tech vendors, network operators, SAR government and enterprises to reach out & interact with each other
Virtual Career Fairs On Private Cloud Digital Expo Platform – A New Approach For HK Universities
Hong Kong Baptist University, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hong Kong Metropolitan University hosted their respective 2021 Virtual Career Fairs earlier this year with a new approach. Adapted from our pre-built virtual event solution template for job fairs and hosted on our private cloud Digital Expo platform in HK, this year’s edition featured more live video workshops for job seekers to interact privately with recruitment specialists in HK: 1-on-1 career consultations, resume clinics and more. With a tough economy and competitive job market ahead, the organizers’ intention was to help graduates better prepare for job applications and interviews. With the key purpose of these virtual career fairs being strong online recruitment , our Digital Expo platform uniquely provided Job Centre and Meet Now, 2 ready functions that automated job applications and recruitment interviews to take place directly on our virtual event solution during the event for better efficiency.
Best Practices

Turn In-Booth MeetNow™ Live Chats Into 1st Interviews At Virtual Career Fairs
When a job seeker engages an employer in video chat, with the right tools available HR can treat this as an initial screening. How? Our virtual career fair platform not only lets the job seeker see the employer’s company information, it can also let employer’s see the job seeker’s profile created on the Digital Expo platform in HK. This way, these otherwise strangers can “know each other” better in order to engage in more insightful interactions. For one, armed with background information about the job seeker, the employer can devise more targeted responses to queries, and direct the conversation as one would for a first interview. MeetNow™ on our Digital Expo platform in HK lets the employer jot down relevant notes as the session proceeds. These records can be retrieved to help speed up recruitment processing, should the job seeker subsequently apply for employment.
Get Applause For Your Hybrid Events: Deliver A Smooth Hybrid Interactive Experience
What makes a hybrid event successful? Apart from an exciting program, organizers should also care about “User Experience”. Not only those attending in person, but also participants joining virtually. If you’ve organized a hybrid event before, would your biggest challenge be providing a smooth and interactive experience for both onsite and online audiences?
Whether it’s software for virtual career fairs you’re seeking, or one for virtual education fairs that’s on your mind, successful virtual and hybrid events need much more than a software platform, if a smooth, interactive experience is an end goal. From organizing live broadcast service, to resolving event tech integration issues, handling these tasks well is key to not letting remote attendees feel left out, and vital to enabling better interaction between remote speakers and both onsite and remote audience. You need a tried and proven Total Solution: a private cloud Digital Expo Platform in Hong Kong, and an experienced onsite professional service crew to take care of the technical challenges. Here’s a taste of what we can do for you.

‧ Registration & Activation
‧ Exhibitor & Visitor Login
‧ System Traffic
‧ Webinar Attendence
‧ Virtual Booth Activity
‧ MeetNow™
Statistics to Empower Successful Virtual Events: Real Time Versus Right Time
Regardless of format, events whose organizers have access to live performance data as things happen are more likely perform better. While post-event data do indeed offer insights for improvements, these will unfortunately benefit “next time only”. If indeed acted upon, real-time stats are right-time indicators that allow organizers to make on-the-fly, “educated” decisions for “this” event. For all practical purposes, choose a virtual event solution or webinar platform whose real time dashboard is easy to read and display just the right amount of traffic. It’s already hectic enough in-event, with a million things happening all at once. A complicated dashboard with a lot of data points and complex navigation will just cause more frustration, resulting in the data not being acted on. A smart choice? Check out our Digital Expo Platform’s “Know-Your-Event”™ Real Time Dashboard, with an easy to read interface that displays only the most important statistics at your fingertips:

Revenue Assurance For Your Virtual Event: Paid Access Control
For access to paid physical events, it usually is “admit one per ticket” at the door. What about for virtual events? Not all video conferencing and event software platforms are capable of patrolling paid access. The result? A single set of paid event credentials can easily be shared among multiple non-paying attendees. Not good for business if participation fee is an important revenue stream. A platform access design inherent to UC.NOW’s virtual event solution is the “admit one only” per set of login credentials. Originally intended to ensure privacy for MeetNow™ live chats on our Digital Expo platform to prevent uninvited intruders, the same logic was extended to provide paid access control for virtual events and embedded Zoom webinars hosted on our platform. Each registered, paid-up attendee is assigned one unique set of credentials, good for one active login at any one time. Subsequent logins with the same set of credentials will force out the previous login, thus preventing credential sharing and may help detect unauthorized/stolen credentials.